Thursday, August 27, 2020

History and Its Influence on British 17th Century

2. Presentation History and Its Influence on British seventeenth century writing By in regards to British' scholarly works up to the seventeenth century, one can perceive numerous equals to the history and culture of that time. In my following research project I am however going to Investigate where the equals between history, culture and writing are. I will do as such by utilizing picked sections from British abstract writings from the Renaissance and Restoration Literature. In this manner I will initially characterize the qualities of both epochs.Secondly I will think about the plots of the picked alleviates to the authentic and social setting and highlight the similitudes. As I accept, these similitudes between written works, social and recorded setting can be found in any abstract work. 3. Renaissance Literature The term Renaissance as an age portrays the interpretation from medieval occasions to the cutting edge ages which occurred somewhere in the range of 1485 and 1603 In Engl and. It meaner the resurrection of antiquated qualities and standards in painting, design, science, theory and literature.Due to the creation of the print machine by Gutenberg, which was built up in England by the assistance of William Cotton in 1474, writers found the opportunity o write in vernacular language. Since there were from that point on more individuals who could peruse and comprehend the writings, Renaissance information was open for the people (CB. Group) The early Renaissance in England has unequivocally been affected from Italy where it started around 200 years sooner and from the medieval idea of elegant love.Courtly love implied the verse by errant knights, frequently a lord's third child who headed out around the wide open to get a work environment. The main possibility for those errant knights to restore their economic wellbeing was to get a rich master's little girl, so any minnesinger sonnets were composed by them. The significant substance of those sonnets were the excellence and subtlety of the woman. The knights needed to sublimate their sexual wants and demonstrate genuine love to succeed and ascend the â€Å"gradation amoral†, the affection stepping stool from â€Å"Eros†, sex to â€Å"agape†, the unadulterated love without taking physical Interaction.During the Elizabethan Age, from 1558 until 1603, the perfect of a lady sight was shaped and each lady who was depicted In a sonnet was portrayed with the particulars of that perfect sight in correlation with nature. Bartholomew Griffin's Fiddles for instance substance all the qualities of Renaissance verse as should be obvious In the accompanying passage (Sonnet 39): My Lady's hair is strings of beaten gold; Her front the most perfect precious stone eye hath seen: Her eyes the most brilliant stars the sky hold; Her cheeks, red roses, for example, sell have been.Her pretty lips, of red vermilion color; Her hand of ivory, the most perfect white; Her bosom shows two si lver wellsprings splendid. The circles, her voice; her effortlessness, the Graces three; Her body is the holy person that I worship; Her grins and favors sweet as nectar be. In any case, ah, the most noticeably terrible and last is yet behind: For of a griffin she doth bear the psyche ! In this sonnet, the â€Å"Blazon†, the portrayal of the Lady excellence from head to toe is emphasizd. In this sonnet one can likewise perceive the idea of kilowatts, which meaner that an external stunner meaner a decent soul, while a monstrous appearance is went with to a terrible soul.That idea is another average trademark for the English renaissance writing and one can discover it in this sonnet since there is no depiction of the woman conduct however her external appearance. 4. Rebuilding Literature The scholarly age of the Restoration kept going from 1660 until 1688/89. The most well-known types of Restoration writing were parodies to analysis the respectable and strict messages in exposi tion or stanza. It activated â€Å"the official break in scholarly culture brought about by control and profoundly moralist guidelines under Cromwell Puritan regime† (CB.English writing). One model for a strict book is â€Å"Paradise lost†, by John Milton. Heaven lost is an epic sonnet regularly books, written in clear stanza from 1640 until 1642. Milton moves Greek epic to a scriptural setting, however Paradise Lost contains the plot of the primary pages of Genesis, how Adam and Eve were made ND how they lost Paradise, â€Å"expanded into an extremely since a long time ago, nitty gritty, story sonnet. † (New Arts Library). Heaven lost can be deciphered in two potential manners yet not both at the equivalent time.The first chance is to decipher it as a change of the Bible â€Å"as it may have been composed with the advantage of a humanist English education† (Alexander 148). The other chance is to decipher it in political setting as a study on the forthcom ing common war and â€Å"The Eleven Years Tyranny' by Charles I who ruled without parliament for a long time after his dad, James I passed on in 625. One Example of a parody is â€Å"A Satyr on Charles II†, by John Willow, Earl of Rochester, which was conveyed to the King unintentionally rather than one the King had really requested. CB. Lynch) The Satyr is written in refrain and comprises of three verses. In the primary refrain, Charles II is depicted as a King who needs desire â€Å"Him no aspiration moves to get renown† yet at the same time rules better than Louis XIV â€Å"Like the French idiot that meanders here and there starving his people† and that he is useful for England. The subsequent refrain portrays Charles Sis' privates â€Å"His staff and his prick re of a length† and that he lets his penis rule â€Å"thy prick will oversee thee†, which meaner that he accepts his courtesans as political consultants.The last verse says that if Charl es Sis' sexual force would decay, his political force would decrease also, due to the political intensity of his fancy women and in the last two lines Rochester says that he loathes all rulers â€Å"All rulers I despise, and the seats they sit on†. 5. End By in regards to any artistic content from ages up to the seventeenth century, one can generally discover equals to social or authentic terms. This is evident since the creators would not regularly more than one chance to decipher scholarly works and some of the time it is likewise hard to see how the age's artistic highlights developed.Considering Renaissance writing, it is difficult to state today, why the lady's job in those occasions was that high. It is self-evident, that artists attempted to improve their societal position by winning a respectable man's little girl by composing blazon sonnets about her. Another explanation behind the ladies' high position could even now be love of the Virgin Mary or Queen Elizabeth in those occasions. By with respect to the Blazon, one additionally has the subject of the chicken and the egg, since we just realize that Queen Elizabeth was constantly portrayed and painted in the perfect of magnificence in the early Renaissance England.What we don't know is whether that perfect of excellence was shaped in view of her sight or whether she was just depicted and painted in a manner to satisfy the perfect. In reflection on heaven lost, one either has the chance to decipher it on authentic grounds or on humanist strict base. The two different ways are associated with history or culture, so that in heaven lost, one certainly has writing which prompts one of the two settings. The parodies of Restoration writing are practically all scrutinizes on those time's legislative issues, with the goal that the association with history is obvious.All three models for scholarly ages that I have picked have a comparative with history or culture, yet since we don't generally know the ad vancement of culture or abstract highlights, we can't know how it is really related. There additionally is the reality, that these are just three instances of thousands of abstract works, however it is unreasonably less to demonstrate a general inclination. As an end I can so just make out that each scholarly work must contain probably some social highlights, since each individual thus very creator is impacted by it. 6. Works refered to Alexander, Michael.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Game scrabble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Game scrabble - Essay Example In this paper, we will view the lives of three characters and their relationship to scrabble (Petrillo and Chaikin, 2004). In the narrative video called Word Wars posted by Julian Petrillo and Eric Chaikin in You Tube, a point by point examination is made about scrabble through investigating the lives of a portion of the characters who won the Scrabble prize cash a few years prior. One of the characters is Matt Graham, who right now was the eighth best player on the planet (Petrillo and Chaikin, 2004). A nearby into his own and games life was made and the crowd viewed how a scrabble champion lives. In Matt’s case, he is fixated on scrabble. As a matter of first importance, Matt carries on with a straightforward life, he is neither rich nor poor, yet he is continually longing for turning into a boss some other time so he can take the prize cash home. He is a sensible individual, and one could get a brief look at what he does at his home (Petrillo and Chaikin, 2004). From the narrative, Matt doesn't have an ordinary activity, however plays scrabble as an expert. In as much as he realizes that turnin g into an expertly paid scrabble player involves a ton of difficult work and commitment, he doesn't yield on this, yet rather stretches himself as far as possible. He has a library loaded with word references to feed him with new words (Petrillo and Chaikin, 2004). He has contemplated volumes of word references and continually longs for additional so as to manufacture his statement jargon. With the goal for Matt to support his mind ability to assimilate the enormous amounts of data, he utilizes various medications (Petrillo and Chaikin, 2004). From the narrative, you can obviously observe he utilizes various cerebrum promoters. One could think he is a mental case with obsessiveness to the game through the sort of speculations he has made for such a game. At his home, Matt isn't a composed individual dependent on the unarranged stuff in his home. Moreover, he isn't a

Friday, August 21, 2020

12 Things Youre Doing Every Day that Can Be Automated

12 Things Youre Doing Every Day that Can Be Automated Running your own business is, most of the time, pretty damned hard work and consequently, time consuming. And I’m not just talking here about managing daily administrative tasks and keeping track of your employees’ work schedule, or monitoring your expenses and handling customer complaints. I’m talking about all those “little things” that you must perform day in and day out, and that can take hours out of your working timetable. Automating redundant activities (such as emails, presentations, meeting notes, etc.) can free up valuable time so you can focus on those things that you’re really passionate about, such as finding new creative ways of helping your customers, spending more time at the beach with your family, or watching the newest episode of Game of Thrones (Im not going to ask which one comes first). Fortunately, there’s a huge range of web-based tools out there that you can use to automate your business processes and boost your company’s productivity (as well as your own). Here are 12 things that you can automate to make the most out of your working day: Creating a Presentation in 1…2…Ready! The first things that come to mind when someone mentions creating a presentation are, most likely, PowerPoint or Prezi. Yet for novices, these tools might seem a bit too complex, and it may take hours until you can actually figure out what you’re trying to do and get all your ideas organized. MindMeisterâ€"actually a brainstorming toolâ€"offers a unique method of creating good-looking, dynamic presentations with just a few clicks. “In one single map you brainstorm topics, add media and formattings, create your slides and even present them live to your collaborators.” It’s just that easy! Email-Free, Team-Focused Communication Yes, you read it right: no emails. Slack came into my life at exactly the right time. My team was growing and it was getting more and more difficult to manage email communication with a larger number of people. Slack is my communication with people at my company alone, all in one place, instantly searchable and accessible. It lets you organize team conversations into separate private or public channels as well as drag, drop and share all sorts of files while automatically indexing and archiving them. According to a company survey, “Slack users saw 48.6% fewer internal emails and held 25.1% fewer meetings after installing and using the app, leading to a 32% overall increase in productivity”. What are you waiting for? Ditch your email service and never look back! If You  Cant Say Goodbye to Emails Though… So you’re too fond of your email and you’re not quite ready to part with it just yet. Emails, if  used  correctly, can still save you precious time and provide you with valuable data. The very first thing you can do is to automatically set up your email client to create email templates (aka Canned Responses if youre using Gmail) and customized signatures so you won’t have to write emails from scratch every single time. Still Posting to Social Media Sites Manually? Stop Now. Keeping your brand active on social media can easily be a full-time job: posts after posts, updates after updates, it all requires a constant eye on. Tools like Buffer or Hootsuite or even editorial calendars like CoSchedule let you schedule and automate your social media posts well in advance so that you don’t need to sit at your desk every time you need to manually post something. You can also manage dozens of social media accounts in one place, assign certain accounts to a colleague, or monitor what people say about you. Let the News Come to You Don’t waste precious time browsing through hundreds of news that happen daily. There are media collection systems that you can use which learn your reading habits and only gather the articles that you really want to read. Other apps like Zolt or Circa, recently resurrected, allow you to sort through the news and send you concise coverage straight to your smartphone. Alternatively, you can subscribe to services such as TheSkimm, which sends a skimmed version of global news to your inbox every morning. Computer Back-Ups Start scheduling your computer back-ups automatically. This way you will never forget to do it, your data is safe and you won’t get any interruptions or slowdowns to your daily working routine. Scanning Documents You can speed up scanning documents with apps like Scanbot or CamScanner that let you instantly scan documents such as notes, receipts or invoices from your mobile device and then manage, sync, update and share them no matter where you are. You can also directly select a document and fax it to over 30 countries. Self-Updating Contact Book How many times did it happen to you that you tried to contact a business partner or a friend, only to find out that their number is no longer the same and working? Let’s be honest, usually, you update your address book AFTER it already happened. What if your contacts could update their contact information directly in your address book? Crazy, right? No, Addappt is already on it and lets your saved contacts do just that. “I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing…” If you’re like me, chances are that you have your work phone and laptop, your personal phone and laptop, and maybe a tablet when on the go. Needless to say you can easily get lost in the amount of incoming messages. There’s a new app in town for those who use more than one device. Pushover smartly organizes messages and notifications from all your devices in one common space. It basically sends push messages to any smartphone and places your messages in one unified inbox, making it a good choice for the stay-connected-all-the-time entrepreneur. All Your Travel Info in One Place I travel a lot. Chances are I’m on a business trip every other week. Since I can’t afford a personal assistant to handle all my travel plans for me (yet!), I’ve started using TripIt, an app which manages all your travel information, regardless of where you bought your ticket from. All you need to do is forward all your travel emails to the app and it will create a master itinerary that you can access at any time and on any device. ASAP Proofreading of Your Documents Unless you’re a writer yourself or you’ve already got one hired, editing and proofreading documents can be a hassle, especially if the clock is ticking on that particular project. There are a few apps out there such as Grammarly, an online platform that corrects grammar mistakes, catches contextual spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage. Simply upload your document onto their site or download a browser extension to make proofreading of any text automatic. Easily Fill in Online Forms I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of filling in forms online. Some of themâ€"subscribing to emails or signing up for an online serviceâ€"can be quite long and take up time I don’t have. Technology such as Roboform saves us once more by allowing you to store data like name, address, billing information, etc., on your computer and use it automatically to fill in forms. There’s no greater and more satisfying sight than an already pre-filled form. This is a guest post by Sergiu Bancos. Sergiu is a senior writer with a passion for web and technology, consciousness and spirituality. Hes on a mission to make it easier for people to understand and use technology for a better life.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Poem Explication of quot;Guys like thatquot; by Joyce Sutphen Free Essay Example, 750 words

â€Å"Guys Like That† by Joyce Sutphen. Joyce Sutphen is an American poetry writing who was born in Minnesota. Ms. Sutphen has a PhD in the matter of Renaissance drama, which she acquired from the University of Minnesota. She has taught creative writing and English literature at Gustavus Adolphus College which is situated in Saint Peter, Minnesota. Some of the poems that are written by Ms. Sutphen include straight out of view, coming back to the body, naming the star and first words. All of which, have won prestigious awards. The poem about the lives of wealthy people and how people who are ordinary view them. The poem explores how the wealthy women live like and how they look like. The poem also explores the lives of rich men, how they look like and what people think of them. The poem also then goes further to make it clear to the reader that things are not as they look like. The true lives of the rich according to the poet is very shallow. Rich people drive, dress and generally live expensive life styles; this does not mean that their lives are deep instead; they could be living shallow lifestyles that are far less meaning full compared to that of ordinary people. First stanza In the first stanza, the writer explores how the wealthy people drive in very expensive car. We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Explication of Guys like that by Joyce Sutphen or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It is also written like the persona was driving in a cheap old car. By reading the firs stanza, one can conclude that it is written from an American perspective. This is evident because of how the poet describes the car that the average person drives â€Å"†¦ dented last-century version of the most ordinary car in America†. Second stanza In the second stanza, the poet begins by exploring how the wealthy people most probably look like (Dispathc). According to the poet, the wealthy men are dressed in black suits. In addition, the appearance of the rich and wealthy people, they are neat and tend to walk fast. From the persona’s perspective, the wealthy people seem to be thinking about expensive and luxurious things such as whine and marble floors. However the same people tend to think of TV stations are available to the ordinary person. Third stanza As the third stanza begins the poet, goes ahead to give another example of the ordinary TV stations that the wealthy, neat and fast people tend to think of. The persona then goes ahead to explain how misconstrued the thoughts of an average girl may be about how they consider the wealthy men. To the ordinary girl, the wealthy men are different from the average person in various aspects. The poet describes the average man as the men who drive the trucks that takes cows to the slaughter. The fourth stanza The fourth stanza commences with the poet illustrating that as much the ordinary man may be taking a cow to the slaughterhouse, the wealthy man could be doing something sinister. This is meant to convince the reader that the wealthy men could as well have amassed their wealthy by doing something that is harmful to the society in one way or another. The writer does this by saying as the ordinary man takes cow to the slaughter house, the wealthy and classy men could be doing something which is much worse that the death of a mere of a cow. According to the persona, the people who look very elegant and cool are likely to have been involved in some kind of illegal activities so that they are able to finance their wealthy and luxurious lifestyles. The poet goes ahead to mention some of the few illegal things that the wealthy people may have been involved in so that they are in the place they are today. The illegal activities included moving of money across the border. This in its literal sense is money laundering. It is the process of â€Å"cleaning† the money that has been earned through fraudulent means. The cleaning in its self is the money laundering and is done in such a way that the bad past of how the money was acquired is untraceable by the necessary authority (Sutphen). Fifth stanza In the fifth stanza, the writer takes time to illustrate how insensitive the rich person may be. This is evident at the near end of the sentence whereby the person states that the rich live some other people poorer that they were already. In the stanza, the poet states the fact that the rich people enter in to deals that are only meant to enrich themselves. This is at the expense of the others since the other party is left with less wealth than they had already. Sixth stanza The sixth stanza is like an extension of the fifth stanza. This is because in this stanza, the poet goes ahead to explain the wealthy people plot to take more from the already humbled. In the sixth stanza, the poet also gives other examples of how the rich people immerse property of the humble. Conclusion The poem is about the rich and how the ordinary and the poor people view them. The poem also illustrates how wrong, misconstrued people are about the lives of the wealthy, and what really goes in their head while they are in their expensive cars. At around the third stanza, the poet starts to make it clear how wrong people tend to be about what means and extent some of the rich people have to stoop. The reason the wealthy people may have to stoop so low is that they want to continue to live their expensive and luxurious lifestyles. According to the tone of the poet, one can be able to tell that he/she is well versed in both the psychology of the rich and poor. This seems too evident in the way in which the persona can be able to distinguish between the two main characters in them. Work Cited Dispathc. Poetry dispathc & other notes from the underground. n.d. Document. 27 June 2015. Sutphen, Joyce. Guys Like That. n.d.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nursing Coat of Arms Cultural Competence, Communication,...

Nursing has been a rapidly evolving profession for over the past few decades and the role of nursing has become increasingly defined. Five distinct qualities that have become essential qualities for nurses today are cultural competence, communication, empathy, teamwork and pride. This following paper will discuss and explain the five qualities mentioned above and the symbols used to represent each quality in our Coat of Arms. Cultural competence is a valuable quality nurses must process to provide quality care. This quality is especially crucial in Canada, as Canada is known for it’s culturally diversity. This quality that was first brought forth by a well-distinguished nurse named Madeleine Leininger (Leever, 2011). Leininger believed†¦show more content†¦To symbolize cultural competence in our Coat of Arms, we chose to draw the flags that represent the origin of all our group members in the center of our template. These flags include the Canadian flag, the China fla g and the Philippines flag. This represents the cultural diversity of Canada. Within our group, there are only five members; however, there are already three different cultures represented! In other words, almost all of our group members are from a different culture. This not only represents the diversity of clients, but the diversity of nurses also; hence, cultural competence is not only a significant component when interacting with clients, but it is also an important aspect when collaborating with other nurses. Furthermore, the reason for placing the flags in the center is to signify that culture is a central aspect of all human beings; it basically defines the person and who he/she is. Communication is a key quality in many professions, but none more so than in the profession of nursing. Nurses are primary health care professionals; therefore, they are usually the first health care professional the client will encounter in a health care setting (Potter Perry, 2010). This emphasizes the importance of communication skills for nurses in two ways: first, nurses will need to effectively communicate with the client to appropriately gather all neededShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesRelationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 Motivating Others 323 Managing Conflict 373 PART III GROUP SKILLS 438 8 Empowering and Delegating 439 9 Building Effective Teams and Teamwork 489 10 Leading Positive Change 533 PART IV SPECIFIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS 590 591 Supplement A Making Oral and Written Presentations Supplement B Conducting Interviews 619 Supplement C Conducting Meetings 651 Appendix I Glossary 673 Appendix II References 683 Name Index 705Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesPersonality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and PracticesRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesConflict management Recognition and awards Defining the Project 4.1 Project charter 5.1 Gather requirements 5.2 Defining scope 5.3 Creating a WBS 5.4 Tools and techniques 6.1 Define activities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements [G.8] Contract types Conflict management 12.2.7 The art of negotiating Change requests Chapter 13 Monitoring Progress Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesbe made, some decisions that were not for the best. I don’t come down too hard usually. This is part of the learning experience. But God help them if they make the same mistake again. There has been no learning experience, and I question their competence for higher executive positions. Analyzing Successes Successes deserve as much analysis as mistakes, although admittedly the urgency is less than with an emerging problem that requires quick remedial action. Any analysis of success should seek

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nutrition And Its Effects On Health Essay - 1977 Words

As income increases, various people are finding it less time-consuming to purchase already prepared foods instead a home-cooked meal. With the increase in income, individuals are forgetting the importance of nutrition and its effects on our overall health. When it comes to nutrition, individuals should observe what are their inputs and outputs in order to maintain a healthy consumption balance. Through this constant observation, it can aid an individual in maintaining a balanced intake of foods. At the same time, it may help reduce the risk of obtaining an illness or disease. The observation can also assist you in understanding your health and assist you in asking assistance from a registered dietitian to help improve the diet. But, we cannot forget that nutrition works alongside physical activity and it needs to be accounted for to maintain a healthy diet. When one maintains a healthy diet, it can protect the health of the body from outside influences. In addition, to ensure that I consume the necessary amounts of the nutrients, I was asked to record a two week consumption of foods. It will help determine whether or not I have a healthy diet. This will help me evaluate my overall intake of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Before any documentation is done, I will hypothesize that I do not consume enough nutrients that are required to help my body function properly. Materials Methods In order to record and test the experiment, I used a Microsoft Excel Meal PlanShow MoreRelatedNutrition And Its Effects On Health933 Words   |  4 PagesJust as nutrition can have drastic effects on one’s physical health, nutrition can affect one’s mental health as well. The most common mental disorders that are prevalent in numerous countries are depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The dietary pattern of the general population in many countries reflect that they are often deficient in many nutrients, especially essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Deficiency in these vitamins canRead MoreNutrition And Its Effects On Health Essay1992 Words   |  8 Pagesindividuals are forgetting the importance of nutrition and its effects on our overall health. When it comes to nutrition, many individuals should observe what are their inputs and outputs in order to maintain a healthy consumption balance. Through th is constant observation, it can help an individual maintain a balance intake of foods. At the same time, it may help reduce the risk of obtaining an illness or disease. The observation can also help you understand your health and assisting you in asking help fromRead MoreThe Effects Of Nutrition On Health And Health955 Words   |  4 PagesHealth is a widely used term and every person’s definition of health and being healthy can be vastly different. 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The cause for concern is due to theRead MoreThe Effect Of Nutrition On Early Children s Development And Health2543 Words   |  11 PagesThe influence of nutrition on early child’s development and health Danuta Brodzinska ECE1700 - Advanced Curricula Professor: Eva May Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Research Essay Outline Introduction A) The importance of nutrition on child’s development and health †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 B) Malnutrition †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Body paragraphs 1. Physical development †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 A) Important nutrients, vitamins and minerals for physical growth †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 B) Needed caloriesRead MoreThe Relationship Between Nutrition And Its Effects On Health And Well Being Through Randomized Experiment With Control And Treatment Groups3877 Words   |  16 Pages The proposed study aims to examine the relationship between nutrition and its effects on health and well being through a randomized experiment with control and treatment groups. There are several studies that research the relationship between nutrition and aging and show the promising affects. In this study, different types of nutritional diets will be examined and implemented in an intervention plan. Two plans will be implemented to cater to those of high and low socioeconomic status. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Kiss Kiss Essay Example For Students

Kiss Kiss Essay Text Response1) Which of the story did you find most enjoyable? Why?I like William and Mary because it was about the brain and it was very interesting how Henry kept the brain and the eye alive, and the detail of the operation in the letter to Mary after William had past away. 2) Which story did you find most disturbing? Why? Pig was the most disturbing story I found because at the end of the story Lexington got hook delibetly on the foot by a worker and got miniced my the pig mincer. 3) Summarize two storise. The way up to heaven:In this story called ?The way up to heaven.? Mrs Foster had a fear of missing the train, plan and the boat. One day Mrs Foster was anxious to go to Pairs to see her Daughter. Mrs Foster was ready to go to the airport but Mr Foster wasnt. After 5 minutes later he came down from the study. When they got to the airport the plan was cancels too enliven oclock the next day. That next day it happen again Mr Foster was later again. Once they got in the car Mr Foster was looking for a gift. He went back in the house. But Mrs Foster found it in the back of the car, so she was going inside but she heard a noise. But Mrs Foster left him and went to the airport. Six weeks later She came back home, but they were a whole heap of letters in the letterbox. Mrs Foster wants inside and could small a funny smell. She wanted up go up the elevater but it was stuck half way.PigIn this story Pig a boy called Lexington was born and shortly after his broth his parents was shout by the po lice while breaking into their own house because there were lock out. So after they death Lexington went to his Aunty to live. His Aunty was a vegetarian and so Lexington grew up to be one as well. The time had come for Lexington to go to school but his Aunt didnt like him going to school because she would miss him, so his Aunt was going to teach him every thing that he would of lean in school. Lexington was good at same things, but he was realy was good at cooking Vegetarian meals. Every day for the next seven-year Lexington would cook a new meal and he would write the recipe in a cookbook that he would publish when he was older. But one day his Aunt was very sick and she died. Lexington had to go to the Lawes office to get some money. After that he went and had lunch in a restaurant. He wants to have some meat because he never had some before. So he got some pork. He likes it and wanted to know were pork came form so he ask the chief. He went to the place were the pork came from, he had went on a tour and that showed were the pig were killed. The tour guide stops and showed were the pig got hook and lifted up in to the mincer. All of a sudden Lexington was hook a lifted up into the mincer. 4) Select one of the stories and change the ending completely. The LandladyThis is my ending:?You did sign the book, didnt youOh, not yet.?Thats ok, because later on, if the ploice come look for you they would just have to look the gest book and they would know that you was not here.?And why would the ploice come looking for me hear when I will be leaving tomrrow.?That what you think Billy, she said. And laugh 5) Choose one of the film versions of one of the ?Kiss Kiss stories and spot the diffrerences between the book and the movies stories?6) What is your overall response to the Collection? Which stories would you recommend to other readers and why? I think that the hole of the book was very good. But some of the storeys dragged on a little bit. I would recommend William and Mary because the detail of the operation. .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .postImageUrl , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:hover , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:visited , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:active { border:0!important; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:active , .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063 .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6c94b1a5270aeb282e9a611d610e063:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oedipus Rex6 Essay7) Look up the word ?ironic in the dictionary. Using or displaying irony or in the nature of irony. 8) Look up the word ?Genesis in the dictionary. The origin, or mode of formation or generation, of a thing. 9) Why is ?Georgy Pory a good title for the story?10) Choose 2 of your favorite character from any of the stories and decribe them?I like Mr Foster because he would like to be a little bit late for his wife just so she would thing that she would miss the plan. I also like Mrs Foster because in the end she could not take it any more of Mr Foster games so she just left him. 11) Select a story. Then look for a dialogue and changes it into a play. Mrs Bixby and the Colonels CoatThe Shopkeeper (S)Mrs Bixby (B)Mrs Bixby in the shop:S: ?Name? B: ?leaves that out. And the address.She saw the man pause, and she saw the nib of the pen hovering over the dotted line. B: ?You dont have to put the name and address, do you?The man shrugged and shook his head and the pen-nib moved on down to the next line. B: ?Its just that Id rather not, its purely personal.S: ?Youd better not lose this ticket, then.B: ?I wont lose it.S: ?You realize that anyone who gets hold of it can come in and claim the article?B: ?Yes, I know that.S: ?Simply on the number.B: ?Yes I know.S: ?What do you want to me to put for description.B: ?No description either, thank you. Its not necessary. Just put the amount Im borrowing. The pen-nib hesitated again, hovering over the dotted line beside the word ARTICLE. S: ?I think you ought to put a description. A description is always a help if you want to sell it sometime.B: ?I dont want to sell it.S: ?You might have to. Lots of people do.B: ?Look, Im not broke, if thats what you mean. I simply lost my purse. Dont you understand?S: ?You have it your own way then, it your coat.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Divorce And Faults Essays - Family Law, Divorce, No-fault Divorce

Divorce And Faults The divorce is a legal ending of a marriage. It occurs when two spouses feel that a legal separation is the only way to put an end to their problems such as, differences in goals, financial difficulties, or poor sexual relationships. However, most people, when thinking about divorce, worry about the impact that it has on their children that are involved. Besides, a reason that at least half of our marriage fail is divorce laws. There have been many laws concerning divorce enforced in the United States that allow a quicker processing time. Maggie Gallagher, an affiliate scholar at the Institute for American Values, appointed about law in divorce such as why makes divorce easy? . These laws, often referred to as "no-fault", grant a divorce to a couple even if only one spouse applies for it. There are three reasons that support about no-fault divorce. The first reason is the no-fault attitude towards divorce encourages casual actions in marriages. For example, in the Journal of Marriage and the Family suggests that divorce rats increased from 15 to 25 percent as a result of the no-fault divorce laws. If we make an easier for divorce then we can decrease the quality of marriage. In addition, all marriages go through bleak times such as they don't angry together about any problem in their life, or he/she wants the spouse acts along his/her ways; therefore, making one partner often think about comfort through divorce. Instead of resolving problems in a healthy manner, divorce through the no-fault laws is quickly utilized to provide escape. Besides, under no-fault laws, divorces today are no less angry. For instance, in her book Second Chances, Judith Wallerstein found that about half of all the couples she studied were still locked in bitter conflict five years after divorcing. The next reason is no-fault divorce laws allow one partner to dissolve a marriage for any reason or for no reason at all. In the past, divorces as well as marriages had to occur as a contract or an agreement of responsibility. Through the no-fault, however, marriage can be dissolved by the wishes of only one spouse. In addition, many people believe that courts should treat marriages as any business contracts and thus divorce should be considered a breach of a legal agreement. If courts treated business contract as they now treat the marriage contract, and systematically favored the party that wished to withdraw, the direct result would be the collapse or decline in the economy. Furthermore, no-fault divorce agrees that it strengthens marriage because couples can leave bad marriages and make better ones. But the opposite has happened. For example, the University of Texas has pointed out that after 25 years of no-fault, there is as many unhappy marriages as ever, and far fever happy ones. Therefore divorce is a complex and painful process for both the children and the whole family system. Whether we like it or not, access to dissolve one's marriage and to seek alternative partners has become a part of our culture. The last reason is divorces have also become more common through out the no-fault laws. No-fault divorce is when neither side is labeled guilty. Some people oppose no-fault divorces because they believe such divorce can be obtained too easily. They feel couples can end their marriage without there being a real good reason. The divorce process is easier under the no-fault laws. Therefore the divorce rate will increase faster. In the late ?60s and mid-?70s a couple would divorce in first five years of marriage jumped by one-third. Besides, the no-fault divorce had led to a surge in the divorce, no surprise to anyone who has ever been married. However, we should not shift the blame divorce for no-fault law. No-fault laws have their right sides. Sometimes the husband drinks the drug or listens to from his friend; he comes home and has the bad things with his spouse. So, his spouse want to divorce him, but if there is no-fault divorce then the spouse will have a long day's series beside the husband she wants out of. No-fault divorce created many confortable conditions for the spouse developing their rights in the freedom society. Some couples say that their life is better than after they divorce. I think the increasing of divorces are caused by the environment, the society, no-fault laws protect the right of women when they meet the scenes of violence in family. In additional we have to understand that the purpose of making divorce more difficult

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Why we should not allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports Essays

Why we should not allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports Essays Why we should not allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports Essay Why we should not allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports Essay Performance enhancing drugs considerably influence sports and athletes. Players have to pay heavy price for their life when involved in using performance enhancing drugs. Though drugs improve athlete’s performances like sports technology and equipment but its practice is not rewarded by athlete fans. It is a universal outlook of populace that players must reflect their natural talent to give superior performance which is admired with great fervor. But some advocates and athletes oppose this statement and argue for significance of performance drugs in sports. The main issue in today’s sport is that on what grounds, these drugs are banned that can help them to get more out of their training and practice. Some challengers argue that drugs and special diets have always been a part of the Olympics and permitting athletes to consume drugs may enhanced their knowledge of the human body and such drugs could encourage sport participation. Activists who are against allowing performance enhancing drugs squabble that if people know the athlete has deceiving, they will not really enjoy watching their performance as much. The present paper focuses on the hot theme which is revolving in the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports. It provides strong arguments against allowing performance enhancing drugs with supportive facts. It is voiced by dictators that victory at all will not be appreciated if drugs are used by athlete. Permitting drugs could also lead to casual use for those who might want to build up their muscle tone. If the public came to know that sports turn around just drugs and less athleticism, the television viewers and audience at sports contests will decrease very speedily. In such a case, spot organization has to face serious financial problems for the athletes. Drug scandals may cause the media and athletic sponsors to juggle around with their promise to that particular sport. Athletes were using drugs to enhance their performance from early times. In the games of the third Olympiad, Thomas Hicks won the marathon after receiving an injection of strychnine in the middle of the race (Seventh Report of Session 2003-2004). The first official ban on stimulating substances by a sporting organization was initiated by the International Amateur Athletic Federation in 1928. In 1976, the East German swimming team won 11 out of 13 Olympic events, and later took legal action the government for giving them anabolic steroids (New York Times 2004). The use of illegal substances is prevalent despite the health risks, and despite the regulating body’s efforts to abolish drugs from sport. Most athletes are also relatively improbable to ever undergo testing. The International Amateur Athletic Federation approximates that only 10-15% of participating athletes are tested in each main contest. Everyone recognizes that drugs are against the rules. Sport organizers must have to define the rules of sport. If the drugs are legalized and freely available, the consequences will be dangerous such health hazards and loss faith of public. People perform well at sport as a result of the genetic makeup that happened to deal them a captivating hand. The capability to perform well in sporting events is determined by the ability to deliver oxygen to muscles. Oxygen is carried by red blood cells. The more red blood cells, the more oxygen player can carry. This in turn controls an athlete’s performance in aerobic exercise. If it is raised naturally, it is well accepted. But the injection of EPO which is a natural hormone that stimulates red blood cell production, increasing the packed cell volume (PCV) the percentage of the blood comprised of red blood cells was officially banned in 1985 because it is against sports ethics (JAMA 1996; 276:231-7). Health factor involved in using EPO intravenously is that raising the PCV too high by this injection can cause serious health problems. The risk of harm quickly augments as PCV gets above 50%.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Reference Comparison Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reference Comparison Paper - Essay Example Therefore it needs to integrate the ecological factors into the management principles to ensure minimal impact on the environment and related attributes. (Mangers, 1994) Contrary to other types of supply chains ,the green supply chain is designed to ensure that maximum sustainability of all the inputs and outputs are ensured and that the necessary steps are taken by the companies involved to ensure that minimal energy goes to waste at any level of the process green supply chain also puts into consideration the need for absolute recycling and re use .therefore this approach of supply ensures that there is minimal accumulation of waste and maximum sustainability of the resources used. (Forest, 1993) Cooperates therefore have had dynamic response and measures geared towards sustainable running of their entities. Measures have been implemented specifically for the tackling of issues related to rising material prices, environmental degradation and the increasing challenges related to the global supply chains. The relationships between the green supply chains and the conventional supply chains have proved that the green supply chains provide and give better business gains in relation to the conventional supply chains. The sustainability of the green supply chains across the globe is of better economic significance. The in-cooperation of the green supply chain ideologies and principles has recently ensured that the organizations develop sustainable ideologies that sustain them despite the harsh economic and resource deprivation of the current enterprising economy. (Gravey, 1994) Scientific reports and findings have recently indicated that global warming and environmental degradation is happening at a faster rate than the world expected. The changes as a result of this global phenomenon are quite drastic and happening at a faster rate and a greater magnitude than the world initially thought and anticipated. Therefore with the occurrence of all this resource related hap penings the world need to develop activities and mechanisms to ensure that all these issues are tackled professionally and the development activities therein become sustainable and environmental friendly causing minimal depletion of the non renewable resource bases. (Haynes, 1997) The green companies not only become sustainable to comply with the legislations and regulations of the relevant environmental management authorities or are they attempting to satisfy and meet the demands put upon them by the customers but most of this companies have a self drive to go green and support sustainable and environmental friendly supply chains ensuring that the natural resources are used in sustainable and clean development approaches. (Ake, 1995) The supply chains comprise of the purchase sector and the inbound logistics and this has the role of achieving and acquiring of products to the company for purposes of providing the raw materials for production. The related activities therefore can hav e significant effects on the environment and its related protection and conservation. Some of the activities related to this are issues like outsourcing, selection of the use materials and the choosing of the vendors. This might have significant impacts on the health and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Life of Charlemagne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life of Charlemagne - Essay Example However, in the bibliography that he has written he clearly chose to give in to the "lust of immortality to celebrate the glorious deeds of other times (Einhard 1)." The bibliography is obviously written with the purpose of extolling Charlemagne and highlighting his virtues for the knowledge of the generation to come. The Life of Charlemagne commences by a description of the Merovingian family which used to rule France contrasting their flaws and weaknesses with the virtues of Charlemagne's ancestors. Einhard also admitted his lack of knowledge on the birth and childhood of Charlemagne thereby skipping the time span and concentrating on his military conquest (5). Charlemagne is recognized for his success in battles from his first military undertaking in the Aquitanian War to the Saxon War, Lombard War, Slavic War, and the War of the Huns. Through military force, he is also able to gain the submission of the Breton and Beneventan. Because of these victories, Charlemagne is able to largely expand his territory: "He so largely increased the Frank kingdom, which was already great and strong when he received it at his father's hands, that more than double its former territory was added to it" (16). Aside from conquering vast lands, the ruler should also be commended by winning the allegiance of several nations which is even strengthened by his fondness of sending them letters (17). He also enhanced the beauty of his kingdom through the construction of establishment including the Basilica of the Holy Mother of God and the bridge over the Rhine at Mayence (18). The latter portion of the bibliography humanizes Charlemagne by expounding his personal traits and characteristics including his looks, the manner of his dressing, and his private life. Eidhan gave a very good description Charlemagne's and his favorite food: "His meals ordinarily consisted of four courses, not counting the roast, which his huntsmen used to bring in on the spit; he was more fond of this than of any other dish" (25). After reading the bibliography of Charlemagne, I am able to look at a deeper side of him not as a hero but as an ordinary individual, who has flaws, is fond of music, and of giving. Far from the portrayed picture of him as a hero and saint in history books, the account is much more enlightening. The translator has done a good job from lifting the Latin version into English. The account is very much comprehensible, interesting, and enriching. Works Cited Eidhan. The Life of Charlemagne. Trans. S. E. Turner. 2 February 2008

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Questions and Answers on Managerial Economics

Questions and Answers on Managerial Economics Introduction This assignment is about the different prospective of managerial economics. In which opportunity cost, a person can avail that cost by using the same resources. Choosing margin helps people to get a little better thing then the other available options as it normally ignore the sunk cost. Apple company is one of the leading organization that introduce the app store available in iTunes is vibrant, extremely competent, and evolving digital market place. All the apps are user friendly and seem beautiful within and outside the app store. Later on the PPF curve is discussed that shows maximization of production level and commodity those results for economic based concepts. Task 1 Explain why opportunity cost is the best for gone alternative and provide examples of some opportunity costs that you have faced today. Opportunity cost Opportunity cost is the cost that a person gives up in order to buy a thing he wants to buy. As opportunity cost is the cost that a person can avail by using the same resources. In economy, whenever the word cost is use it means that economist is talking about opportunity cost. The opportunity cost is the cost that a person gives up so it is the second highest value of alternative that the person leaves in order to gain the first better opportunity (Zhang, 2013). Examples Suppose a person decided to buy a computer but he can buy different other things by using the same resources. He could choose to spend his money for purchasing books, can arrange a tour, whichever option suit a person. If he decided to purchase a computer instead of all above things then the other options are the opportunity cost. As he left the opportunity to buy them in order to buy the computer. It determines the logic that the person decided to buy one thing by spending his resources instead of buying anything else. Another example is that for most of the college students, the college and tuition fee is not the actual cost. The opportunity cost of the student is the time they spend on college instead of doing any job (Puangsri, 2009). Task 2 Explain what it means to choose at the margin and illustrate with three choices at the margin that you have made today. In economics choosing at the margin means that one additional more unit of any resource used. Choosing at margin means, that person is carrying out an incremental change or a kind of adjustment in action plan. Choosing margin helps people to get a little better thing then the other available options as it normally ignore the sunk cost (Okullo, 2013) . Example of choosing at margin for example the benefit a person get by eating one additional bar of chocolate, each additional bar of chocolate gives you less level of satisfaction. Another example of choosing at margin is that if a theater is facing the problem of empty seats. Then they should sell tickets at half rates by bargaining with their customers. This will help them to get half price instead of gaining zero. It will increase the overall revenue of the theater as they collect 50% of the amount of ticket instead of getting nothing that increase their overall revenue. In case of any airlines, if the airplane takes off with some empty seats, they face lose of those empty seats as it reduce the overall revenue. Therefore, the solution to the issue was to reduce the price of the tickets. As reducing, the price of the ticket can increase the sale of ticket. It will help to increase the overall revenue of the airlines (SIVA, DANIEL, SHALINI*, April, 2013). Task 3 Apple Computer Inc. decides to make iTunes freely available in unlimited quantities. a. How does Apple’s decision change the opportunity cost of a download? The resources are scares now a day but the wants of people are unlimited. The app store available in iTunes is vibrant, extremely competent, and evolving digital market place. Proper strategies made in order to make and mange in order to provide comfort to the employees. The decision made by apple can decrease the opportunity cost of iTunes if they reduce the monetary cost by 99c that previously settled per iTunes. The iTunes store is now one of the most famous musical stores. ITunes, offers almost 10 million songs, on 30000 episodes of TV serials in different channels, with outclass video quality (GREGERSEN, EL LAKANY, KARSENTY, WHITE). b. Does Apple’s decision change the incentives that people face? Yes, the incentives of providing free latest music available on iTunes have increased the decision of people. As it, encourage people to buy new iPods. The apps made by apple are purely on merit with regard of their quality for the purpose of promotion. All the apps are user friendly and seem beautiful within and outside the app store. The apps are available in almost 150 countries in order to provide customers with better facilities. It help customer to localize their apps according to their requirements. Many international musical brands like EMI, Warner musical brand, universal musical group, etc decided to offer their music in iTunes. iTunes provide a better quality of audio music, the 3G user of iphone can now get iTunes catalogue of music on iPhone 3 3G by the help of 3G network (FREDERICK, NOVEMSKY, WANG, DHAR, NOWLIS*, 2009). c. Is Apple’s decision an example of a microeconomic or a macroeconomic issue? Macroeconomics is the study of economic in which the national economy discussed and the economy of world discussed. Like the reason of the increase in the unemployment in a particular year. The microeconomics deals with the choice made by individuals or a business that interact in market. As it help to determine the reason of why people buy more mobile phones. From above definitions, it is clear that the decision made by Apple Company is a micro economical issue as it deals with a single market and concern to a single company (WEAVER FREDERICK*, 2012). Task 4 Why do the PPF bow outward and what does that imply about the relationship between opportunity cost and the quantity produced? The production possibility frontier used in economics, which determine the production curves, boundaries and products formative curves. This graph used to determine the comparison of rate of production and commodities used as a fixed production factors. The PPF curve shows maximization of production level and commodity those results for economic based concepts. The PPF is a curve bow outward due to result of change in economic determinants such as scarcity of resources, economic of scale in production, and efficient of production. The PPF shows maximum combination of two different products that has produced on basis of available resources (MIKAMI, 2013). The PPF used to illustrate the raise in scarcity of resources. There are different points that technically determine efficiency. The opportunity cost related to different activities is highly valuable which alter the engagement of different activities with opportunity cost. Opportunity cost related to increase in margin as well as increase possible frontiers, which bowed towards straight line due to increase in production. Economies of scale will increase production as well as increase additional resources with activities. The importance of PPF is used to decide the resource of opportunity cost therefore, opportunity cost determine through cost of giving up which is required for production. It demonstrate that opportunity cost ensure the individual which at least determine the good with great choices. Task 5 Economic growth illustrated by shifting a production possibilities frontier outward. Use the following information to answer questions 5 to 7. Brazil produces ethanol from sugar, and the land used to grow sugar cane used to grow food crops. Suppose that Brazil’s production possibilities for ethanol and food crops are as in the table. a. Draw a graph of Brazil is PPF and explains how your graph illustrates scarcity. There is the comparison of barrel and tons in Barazil, the PPF shows that optimal point on frontier (40, 3). Productivity possibility frontier The PPF curve illustrates that production possibility determine an economy with combination of two goods one is food in tons and other is ethanol production. Ethanol production is less than the production of food in an economy of Barazil. A production possibility frontier represents a specific boundary of capabilities of economy’s production therefore; it is possible to term the production possibility frontier. The PPF maximize the production at fixed resources in an economy with fully employed resources. The production means that resources are unemployed and increase opportunity cost with given curve of convex shape mirror. If Brazil produces 40 barrels of ethanol a day, how much food must it produce to achieve production efficiency? According to the PPF, 40 barrels of ethanol a day there must have 3 tons per day of food that produce to achieve the efficient frontier. The opportunity cost of producing the goods and services which used to achieve the benefits of producers within a country. The cost of production is based on products and services because economies of scale known as managerial cost. Allocation of efficiency maximizes the managerial benefit with equal or extra units of production. Why does Brazil face a tradeoff on its PPF? Brazil faces tradeoff on its PPF because resources of Brazil are limited as well as technology. For the production of Brazil’ goods it is more important to produce the economies of scale with changeable factors of production. The way to develop goods and services helps to increase production capacity and increase goods that required decrease production of goods and also required to increase goods production with tradeoff reflection. Task 6 a. If Brazil increases its production of ethanol from 40 barrels per day to 54 barrels per day, what is the opportunity cost of the additional ethanol? According to the production of Brazil there will an efficient increase in production which will entirely produce ethanol from 40 barrels per day to 54 barrels per day, which decrease production of food as per crops from 3 tons per day to 2 tons per day. Therefore, opportunity cost of one ton ethanol for per day is 14 barrels or 1/14 ton of food for per ethanol barrel. b.If Brazil increases its production of food crops from 2 tons per day to 3 tons per day, what is the opportunity cost of the additional food? When Brazil efficient to increase its production from 2 tons per day to 3 ton per day then production of barrel will decrease by 14 as well as opportunity cost of additional food will be 14/1. Opportunity cost helps to determine what will forgo in return to get a new one opportunity. As Brazil increase production of food due to decrease in barrel of ethanol. Forgoing cost of ethanol is opportunity cost against getting the extra food tons for county promotion. What is the relationship between your answers to parts (a) and (b)? There is negative relationship between production of foods and barrel, as increase in production of foods barrel production will decrease. Increase in production of food will decrease ethanol production with more value than food production. Task 7 Does Brazil face an increasing opportunity cost of ethanol? What feature of Brazil’s PPF illustrates increasing opportunity cost? The increase in opportunity cost of ethanol will decrease production of food. Food is necessary item, for increase in production can easy to sacrifice the ethanol production. Economy will grow when necessaries will fulfill and due to unavailability of land increase in production as well. Graph illustrated that from point A it will decline and comparison at 40 barrel of ethanol will decrease one tone food. The increase in production will increase growth of country with suitable level of economies of scale. There are few managerial economic contents, which determine opportunity cost as The marginal cost of food for 2 tons is equal to the cost of 54-barrel ethanol. Increase in production will sometime decrease benefits for whole economy Efficiency cost helps to achieve the amount of goods and managerial benefits from production through available resources. Economic growth will illustrate the PPF and also increase rate of opportunity as well For economic production, there is lot of opportunities, which helps to increase tradeoff as well as increase specialized products. Price adjusted to make decision and determine different factors for market promotion References FREDERICK, S., NOVEMSKY, N., WANG, J., DHAR, R., NOWLIS*, S. (2009). Opportunity Cost Neglect. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, Inc. à ¢- , 36, 9. Retrieved from: GREGERSEN, ,. H., EL LAKANY, H., KARSENTY, A., WHITE, A. (n.d.). Does the Opportunity Cost Approach. 23. Retrieved from: MIKAMI, M. (2013). Evolutionary foundations of Coasean economics:. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics,, 6(1), 164. Retrieved from: Okullo, S. J. (2013). Economic modeling of the long-term. 199. Puangsri, ,. M. (2009). QUANTIFIED RETURN ONINFORMATIONSECURITY INVESTMENT. 96 Retrieviewed SIVA, S., DANIEL, M. J., SHALINI*, S. (April, 2013). A STUDY ON MARGINAL COSTING IN GODREJ CONSUMER. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing Management Review__, 2(4), 2836. Retrieved from: WEAVER, R., FREDERICK*, S. (2012). A Reference Price Theory of the Endowment. Journal of Marketing Research, XLIX, 707. Retrieved from: Zhang, N. (2013). CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN OPPORTUNITY COST CONSIDERATION. 52. Retrieved from: 1

Monday, January 20, 2020

James Joyces Araby and Eveline Essay -- Araby, Eveline Essays

James Joyce's "Araby" and "Eveline" In 'Araby' and 'Eveline' Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the Catholic religion in both of the main characters' lives. Both of these stories take place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic religion. In 'Araby,' the imagery of the infamous 'Fall' is presented to the reader within the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can be found in 'Eveline.' The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented throughout both 'Araby' and 'Eveline.'   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant?s rusty bicycle pump.? (21/14-17). In the Catholic religion, the Adam and Eve story is thought to be the time when sin became present in the world. It is the time in Catholicism when the innocent life that Adam and Eve shared in the beautiful garden, violently changed into a life of responsibility, pain, heartbreak, suffering, and most important in the Catholic religion, separation from God. This transformation can not only be seen in the story of Adam and Eve, but in the change from the innocent life of a child to the turbulent life of an adult. The latter change is the one that the main character of ?Araby? is going through. Joyce is trying to show how important this theme was by repeating the word ?fall? throughout the entire story. Catholic religion plays an important role in the main character?s life, because the Catholic religion gives specific standards for believers to follow. This religion, along with its rules and regulations, is the one that the main character was raised by, and he feels obligated to follow them, even through the very tough time of adolescence. In the story, the boy becomes infatuated with a girl. This crush on Mangan?s sister is very tough on the main character for many reasons. The first being that she does not share the love he has for her, and secondly, his crush conflicts with his strict religion. He becomes obsessed with her, watching her every move. The girl has taken over his every thought, which is why the crush conflicts with the Catholic religion. Catholicism is the worship of a single, all-powerful God. When ... ...hooses to live the life of duty and responsibility, proving that her belief in the Catholic religion is indeed something she thinks is important; and also when she gives up her chance to escape to a carefree life, she gives up something else important to her, Frank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The above examples come together to show that the Catholic religion plays a major role in the lives of Joyce?s main characters. He uses repeated words and religious symbols to show just how important Catholicism is to the lives of the population of Dublin, Ireland. Joyce intentionally uses religion as the main conflict in the situations in both of the stories. James Joyce believes Catholicism is important, and he uses the religion to affect the characters? lives. Without having the Catholic background both Eveline and the main character in ?Araby? have, their choices concerning their life would have been less difficult. Instead of having to decide between their religion and their desires, they would only have to consider their desires. Joyce believes that the Catholic religion affects the characters and their situations, which is the reason why he writes in religious symbols throughout ?Araby? and ?Eveline.? James Joyce's Araby and Eveline Essay -- Araby, Eveline Essays James Joyce's "Araby" and "Eveline" In 'Araby' and 'Eveline' Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the Catholic religion in both of the main characters' lives. Both of these stories take place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic religion. In 'Araby,' the imagery of the infamous 'Fall' is presented to the reader within the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can be found in 'Eveline.' The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented throughout both 'Araby' and 'Eveline.'   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant?s rusty bicycle pump.? (21/14-17). In the Catholic religion, the Adam and Eve story is thought to be the time when sin became present in the world. It is the time in Catholicism when the innocent life that Adam and Eve shared in the beautiful garden, violently changed into a life of responsibility, pain, heartbreak, suffering, and most important in the Catholic religion, separation from God. This transformation can not only be seen in the story of Adam and Eve, but in the change from the innocent life of a child to the turbulent life of an adult. The latter change is the one that the main character of ?Araby? is going through. Joyce is trying to show how important this theme was by repeating the word ?fall? throughout the entire story. Catholic religion plays an important role in the main character?s life, because the Catholic religion gives specific standards for believers to follow. This religion, along with its rules and regulations, is the one that the main character was raised by, and he feels obligated to follow them, even through the very tough time of adolescence. In the story, the boy becomes infatuated with a girl. This crush on Mangan?s sister is very tough on the main character for many reasons. The first being that she does not share the love he has for her, and secondly, his crush conflicts with his strict religion. He becomes obsessed with her, watching her every move. The girl has taken over his every thought, which is why the crush conflicts with the Catholic religion. Catholicism is the worship of a single, all-powerful God. When ... ...hooses to live the life of duty and responsibility, proving that her belief in the Catholic religion is indeed something she thinks is important; and also when she gives up her chance to escape to a carefree life, she gives up something else important to her, Frank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The above examples come together to show that the Catholic religion plays a major role in the lives of Joyce?s main characters. He uses repeated words and religious symbols to show just how important Catholicism is to the lives of the population of Dublin, Ireland. Joyce intentionally uses religion as the main conflict in the situations in both of the stories. James Joyce believes Catholicism is important, and he uses the religion to affect the characters? lives. Without having the Catholic background both Eveline and the main character in ?Araby? have, their choices concerning their life would have been less difficult. Instead of having to decide between their religion and their desires, they would only have to consider their desires. Joyce believes that the Catholic religion affects the characters and their situations, which is the reason why he writes in religious symbols throughout ?Araby? and ?Eveline.?

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Leontief Input-Output Model in the Real World

IntroductionWassily Leontief's name is associated with a particular type of quantitative economics: input-output analysis (The New School, Profile of Wassily Leontief). The application of the dynamic input-output analysis serves as a guide in reviewing Leontief s contributions in two of the most important aspects of economic development and structural change: the raising of standards of living and the effects of the mechanization of production processes on labor. The purpose of this work is to familiarize the reader with the theoretical framework, construction and use of regional input-output models in the real world.The description of the analytical framework of an input-output model includes a discussion of the components of the model, an analytic measures derived from the model, and the assumptions of the model. The work presents the phases of model planning, construction and use, including some of the inherent limitations and problems. Finally, some suggestions for effective use of the model will be provided.Leontief went to Harvard in 1937, where, with the help of a few graduate student assistants, he completed the construction of the first input/output model for the 1939 U.S. economy, which, despite its primitive nature, proved to be an important planning tool during World War II. For example, it showed that President Roosevelt's rash promise to deliver 50,000 planes to the Allied forces was unrealistic, and the model indicated the bottleneck obstacles that must be first overcome.The Leontief input-output systems takes the form 3.1-1 (I – A) X = F where F is the vector of final demand by sector, I is an identity matrix, A is the matrix of technical coefficients, and X is the vector of gross output by sector. The main purpose of the input-output model is to explain the magnitudes of the interindustry flows in terms of the levels of production in each sector. The Leontief input-output model also makes several special assumptions which are not necessa rily made in other interindustry models. The most important of these are (1) that a given product is only supplied by one sector; (2) that there are no joint products; and (3) that the quantity of each input used in production by any sector is determined entirely by the level of output of that sector (Leontief Input Output Model 2000).The integration of the input-output model based on equation 3.1-1 with the final demand model based on national income accounting poses three problems immediately. First, the input-output accounting involves gross output concepts, while the national account data published for most developing countries deals with value added concepts. The second problem in the transformation, is the lack of time series data on final demand deliveries by each sector unless input-output tables exist for all years. Third, it is not to be expected that such a simple system will prove useful for all kinds of problems. A given aggregation into sectors may be valid for one pur pose but not for another.The dynamic input-output analysis allows economists to develop a general equilibrium system that, moving from the known economic conditions of the base year, traces different possible development paths of the economy, depending on the assumptions made on the proportions in which the national product is divided into consumption and investment, and on the investment coefficients in each sector. In his Nobel lecture, Leontief asserted: â€Å"The subject of this lecture is the elucidation of a particular input-output view of the world economy.This formulation should provide a framework for assembling and organizing the mass of factual data needed to describe the world economy. Such a system is essential for a concrete understanding of the world economy as well as for a systematic mapping of the alternative paths along which it could move in the future† (Leontief1973). Leontief s analysis focused on the consistency between the targets and the distribution of resources around the world. Among the most important conclusions and policy implications of the analysis are the necessity to increase the target rates of growth of gross products in the less developed countries, if the objective of increasingly closing the gap between North and South has to be fulfilled; the identification of political, social and institutional, more than physical, limits to sustained growth for the developing world; and the important indication that the costs of pollution abatement do not necessarily represent a threat for economic development.Input-output analysis is a useful and productive tool for regional analysis. It can provide important and timely information on the interrelationships in a regional economy and the impacts of changes on that economy. Thus, it can provide pertinent information about the impacts of economic growth and/or decline and the relative benefits and costs of alternative development strategies. Recently, the combination of a wealth of economic development issues to which input-output analysis can be applied and increased availability of computerized input-output models have led to an increased interest in this technique. The major contribution that input-output concepts and data have made to the analysis of economic development was reflected both in the large number of Conference participants from developing countries and in the generous sponsorship provided by UNIDO. Jacob Kol considers the probable effects on employment in the European Community and a group of (relatively industrialized) developing countries of a balanced increase in trade in manufactures (McKinley 2000).ConclusionLeontief is one of the first economists who was deeply concerned about the impact of unabated economic activities on the global environment. In his Nobel lecture, he outlined a simple input-output model where pollution was treated explicitly as a separate sector. His input-output analysis has become a classic technique of economic behavior, and some go as far as comparing him with John Maynard Keynes. One would never want to conclude a review of the contributions that Leontief offered to economic science, any possible list would always fall short of the overall message to the reader, a message of search, even more than research, for some pattern, some code hidden behind the surface of social and economic appearances, able to explain what happened and why, and what to expect, a message that springs from the synthesis of an immense and reasoned background which melts history, anthropology, philosophy, and certainly all the possible economic knowledge at the service of the humanity.Works Cited â€Å"Leontief Input Output Model† 17 January 2006. 19 September 2000 â€Å"Leontief Input-Output Model† 18 January 2006 McKinley, Turi. â€Å"Wassily Leontief.† 17 January 2006. August 21-25, 2000 â€Å"The New School, Profile of Wassily Leontief.† 18 January 2006 Wassily Leontief â€Å"Structure of the World Economy: Outline of the Simple Input-Output Formulation.† 17 January 2006. 11 December 1973

Friday, January 3, 2020

Behaviorism Views On Human Behavior - 1030 Words

Human behavior is learned, thus all behavior can be unlearned and newbehaviors learned in its place. Behaviorism is concerned primarily with theobservable and measurable aspects of human behavior. Therefore when behaviorsbecome unacceptable, they can be unlearned. Behaviorism views development as acontinuous process in which children play a relatively passive role. It is alsoa general approach that is used in a variety of settings including both clinicaland educational. Behaviorists assume that the only things that are real (or at leastworth studying) are the things we can see and observe. We cannot see the mind ,the id, or the unconscious, but we can see how people act, react and behave. From behavior we may be able to make inferences about the minds and the brain,but they are not the primary focus of the investigation. What people do,not what they think or feel, is the object of the study. Likewise the behaviorist does not look to the mind or the brain to understandthe causes of abnormal behavior. He assumes that the behavior representscertain learned habits, and he attempts to determine how they are learned. The material that is studied is always behavior. Because behavioristsare not interested in the mind, or its more rarified equivalents such as psycheand soul, inferences about the conditions that maintain and reinforce humanbehavior can be made from the study of animal behavior. Animal research hasprovided a very important foundation for the behavioral approach.Show MoreRelatedBehaviorism To Teach Human Behaviors. Author’S Name. Institutional981 Words   |  4 Pages Behaviorism to Teach Human Behaviors Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract The paper discusses the various problems encountered while employing the concept of behaviorism to teach human behaviors. 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